The Unexpected Danny Green Spans Multiple Decades and Tells an Inspiring Story of a young Black man born on the wrong side of the tracks but to the right family who rises to the top as an elite boxer & gifted performer.
Mystery Promo: Horsehide by Tracey Williamson
HORSEHIDE features a small community of Blackstone where psychic Zoe James is the proprietor of “The Vision Emporium.”
New Spider-Man Biography Releasing Next Month
Spider-Man: A History and Celebration of the Web-Slinger, Decade by Decade coming October 11th with images from over 60 years of Spider-Man comics, movies, and other items.
The Empty Confessional, a Shocking New Thriller
Priest and Detective Team Up in Shocking New Thriller, The Empty Confessional
Interview with John D May (Author of Lethal Keystrokes)
John D. May, the author of Lethal Keystrokes, joined us to discuss his writing, where the idea for his novel came from, and more!
Interview with Stefan Stevens (Author of Natasha’s Prison)
Had the great pleasure to sit down with Stefan Stevens, the author of Natasha’s Prison, available TODAY from Amazon and other retailers.