Asher Laub Continues to Impress With Violin Cover of ‘Indigo’ by Camilo. Laub’s use of the electric violin gives Indigo a whole new dimension.
Trailer: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Disney+ Debuts Brand-New Teaser Trailer For “Obi-Wan Kenobi” which hits the streamer on May 25th, 2022. Starring Ewan McGregor.
Film Promo: The Black Book
In The Black Book, a collector of rare curiosities finds himself with the collector piece to die for. Remember, don’t read the book.
Song Promo: Down Crazy by Gigi Vega
Check out Gigi Vega’s chart-topping singe, Down Crazy, and get into those Summer vibes with these dynamic beats and melodic vocals.
Tabletop Promo: Paper Pandemic (CW aspects of the current pandemic are satirized)
CW: Pandemic Satire. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is what people truly value! TP! Race to get the most in Paper Pandemic.
MMORPG Promo: Norroth
Want to play a 100% FREE web-based medieval fantasy MMORPG? Check out Norroth: classic gaming with a huge open-world and epic boss fights!
Interview: C.E. Patrick and the Standoff Roleplaying System
C.E. Patrick, the designer of the Standoff Roleplaying System, sits down with us to chat about his new game and what makes it so special.
Song Promo: You Don’t Leave Me by Hasten Mercy
You Don’t Leave Me by Hasten Mercy has trap and RnB influences. Thoughtful, innovative, and accompanied by a melodic accompaniment.
Interview: Mona Remedios Stickley and the Mahjong Party
Creator of the Mahjong Party, Mona Remedios Stickley, discusses her project, Mahjong itself, and how it helped her with her brain injuries.
Film Promo: The Second Age of Aquarius
Ever wonder what it would be like to bring your favorite dead rock star back to life? Find out in The Second Age of Aquarius!