Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 3 Runtime: How long is the third episode?

by Kevin M. Gallagher, Jr on June 1, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi returns to Disney+ with another episode! How long is the third installment of the Star Wars limited series?

Obi-Wan Kenobi is here! The long-awaited Star Wars series debuted on Disney+ last week with the first two episodes and has been all the talk among Star Wars fans in the days since.

The series brings the prequel-era version of a Star Wars legacy character to the forefront of his own story. While Obi-Wan Kenobi plays a huge role in both the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy eras of The Skywalker Saga, the story was never really about him. While we got to know the character across several films, Obi-Wan Kenobi dives deeper into the character’s mindset a decade after Order 66 was executed, leaving the Jedi order all but extinct.

And while we would be quick to think that Kenobi’s story would show us his time on Tatooine, it’s not quite that simple. Yes, the series did show us how mundane Kenobi’s life had become while he had been hiding, looking after a young Luke Skywalker from afar. But we got a bit more than that, as can be read in our review of the first two episodes. We’ll set to find out what happens next in Part III.

If you’re eager to watch the next episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but need to see when you can fit it into your schedule this week, you’ll need to know how long it is.

How long is Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 1 Episode 3?

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s third episode clocks in at 47 minutes, which is more in line where I expected this series to be. It’s slightly longer than the other live-action Star Wars series. As we’re half way through this limited series, I’m expecting episodes to be about 45 minutes or longer—outside of Kenobi’s story, we have a few other characters who all have plotlines that need to be mostly resolved by the end of the show. We’ll see what future episodes hold for their runtimes!

Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 3 premiers on Disney+ on Wednesday, June 1st, at 12:00 AM PT and 3:00 AM ET.

What are you hoping to see in this third episode of ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’? Let us know in the comments below!

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