Podcast Promo: Movie Bros Show

Movie Bros Show Podcast Art

Can you smell that? In the air? Ew, no, not that. Yes, summer, but also something else. That’s right… summer movies. While it’s increasingly more difficult to find the time to go to the movies as an adult with kids, it’s still one of my favorite activities. It’s something you can do by yourself, with your partner/spouse, or with the whole family. And summers are one of the most exciting times of the year for movies. JawsBack to the FutureJurassic Park, and Iron Man are all films that took over the summer when they were released. This leads to today’s promo which features a couple of friends who share the same passion for movies we do at That’s Entertainment.

Movie Bros Show

Launched earlier this year, Movie Bros Show features Josh and Remy who have a great love for movies. You can hear (and see) the passion they share for movies on their podcast (and on their YouTube Channel) while they chat about the latest blockbusters and obscure indie films.

Movie Bros Show is more than just another film review podcast. Yes, they do review films, but they deep dive into directors, actors, genres, and more; giving listeners a retrospective (and ranking) of the careers of filmmakers such as M. Night Shyamalan and Adam Sandler or looking at various genres like Romance and (yes, That’s Entertainment is calling this a genre) Stephen King films.

Beyond their podcast, they have a YouTube channel where it’s more than just another platform to listen to their podcast. There are plenty of YouTube exclusive episodes they provide, nearly doubling their podcast feed. Trailer reactions and memorials of filmmakers gone too soon are some of the highlights of the Movie Bros Show YouTube channel, but even simply looking at the video version of their podcast feed, it’s nice to see it’s not simply porting the audio-only feed into YouTube.

Grab some popcorn and join the Movie Bros Show for movie-loving fun. You can watch (and subscribe) on YouTube (new videos every Friday) or bring the audio on the go with you by listening (and subscribing) on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Be sure to follow the Movie Bros Show on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on the show and movie news in general.