Ms. Marvel will return for more episodes. When can fans expect to watch episode 2?
The last year or so has proven we can’t have too much Marvel. Iman Vellani makes her MCU debut as Kamala Kahn, a Muslim American adolescent from Jersey City. She’s a Super Hero aficionado with a wild imagination, particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel. She is an avid gamer and a voracious writer of fan fiction. However, Kamala feels out of place at school and even at home—until she acquires superpowers like the heroes she admires. Will she continue to feel that way in Ms. Marvel episode 2?
What can we expect from future episodes of Ms. Marvel? It’s interesting that Thor Love and Thunder will release right after the third episode of the series. Does that mean there will be any kind of callbacks to one another? Only time will tell. Speaking of time—are you eager for the second episode? Here’s when you can expect to watch it.
When does Ms. Marvel episode 2 come out?
The second episode of Ms. Marvel will be released on Disney+ on Wednesday, June 15th at 12:00 AM PT/3:00 AM ET. It’s expected that each subsequent episode will continue with that release schedule until the season finale on July 13th next month.
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First and foremost, Kev is a dad to three wonderful children. He’s also an uber Kevin Smith fan (all Smith’s movies are worth a watch, even Yoga Hosers) who has cried during Kermit’s monologue in The Muppets and once owned two VHS copies of Spice World. He loves all pop culture, particularly the MCU and Star Wars. The Evil Dead franchise is his favorite horror franchise, though the original Scream is his favorite scary movie. He bleeds Eagle’s green in the (suburbs of the) greatest city on Earth, Philadelphia. Go Birds!