Fantasy Promo – Thirty Turns of the Sand (The Eldormaar Book 2)

Hello friends, and welcome to our second Otherworld stop of the week.  Today is another special one, because for the second time in as many days, we’re spending time with an old friend.  Nearly three months back, we entered the many new worlds of David Mackay, with Sea of Lucidity.  Now, we return to the place in between worlds, with …

Fantasy Promo – The Sea of Lucidity: Book 1 of The Eldormaar

Greetings yet again, Otherworld travelers.  I have a special treat for you today.  We visit not just one new world, but many.  September 13th just might end up being called portal fantasy Monday, because we’re looking at another interesting story that turns the concept on its head in some compelling ways.  But to learn more, we have to pull back …