Sci-Fi Promo – Alien Dinosaur Slayers: Alien Dinosaur Series – Book 1

Greetings travelers, and welcome to a brand new week of speculative fiction goodness!  We have a great, fun opener for you today, in the form of a quirky science fiction story that revolves around sapient dinosaurs.  If you’re looking for something that’s silly but awesome, and has its whimsy dialed to 11, you’re not going to want to miss this.  Read on to learn more about Alien Dinosaur Slayers, the first book in the Alien Dinosaur Series.

This book is narrated by Naudero, one of the dinosaurs from planet Zeeb that takes center stage in Alien Dinosaur Slayers.  Naudero is a talented scribe, as he is able to put together some pretty effective prose within a story that deals with talking dinosaurs from another world, with all the extra challenges that come with that—unwieldy dinosaur limbs notwithstanding.  The story is instantly charming, with fun sequences and cute dialog, along with names of characters and places that will challenge you not to smile any time you read them aloud.  Despite the quirkiness though, Alien Dinosaur Slayers never crumbles under the weight of its comical potential.  There’s a real story here, too, and it’s great fun for those who know what they’re getting into with this book.

There is love (romance), hate, betrayal, war, and maybe a little peace—all on the alien planet of Zeeb.

If readers are looking for a story that delights them with an unconventional flair, this is a fantastic option.  It starts off with wit and whimsy, inviting its audience into the world in a fun way, before it leans into the real meat of the story.  There’s a depth to the tale that exists beyond silly names and a wild premise, and it will catch readers off guard in the best of ways.  For dinosaur lovers and sci-fi aficionados who are looking for a breezy read, this is certainly a tale that is not to be missed.  Check out Alien Dinosaur Slayers: Alien Dinosaur Series – Book 1 on Amazon today!

By the way, there’s more great content to dive into from this world, like mugs and apparel, to playing cards that evoke the items from the story!

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Images provided courtesy of Naudero.