Greetings travelers. We have a most interesting stop in the Otherworld today, a first visit to Earth in a near future, where the untested desire to enhance ourselves leads to dangers beyond our comprehension. Mikael Svanstrom has created a thriller trilogy that will entertain as it horrifies the reader to what could be coming if we’re not careful. See what happens when human intelligence meshes with artificial intelligence in The God Drug, the first book in the Posthumans Trilogy.
Author Mikael Svanstrom has an intriguing passion for computers, programming, and artificial intelligence, but it’s blending those things with the human element that makes his debut book, The God Drug, soar. First and foremost, The God Drug is a tale about things getting away from humanity. We all want to be better—smarter, more charismatic, stronger, more creative—but sometimes in the pursuit of that, we take great risks that don’t always pan out for the best. Svanstrom uses ideas like this to set the foundation for his world, and then strengthens it by putting a divide up between humanity as we know it, and the next successor to mankind. The author does some excellent character work, whether you’re talking about the humans who are the bedrock of our world, or the posthumans with more rigid presentation.

“You may wonder why I tell you this, but bear with me. I didn’t realize it then, but I had stumbled on something of enormous importance. Something that will redefine mankind. Something that could redefine you.” Adrian – posthuman
A mass-market drug promised to boost intelligence. The world embraced it and soon everyone was a genius – but only for a while. The long-term effects crippled world societies, but a select few experienced much greater changes, becoming more than human. Tom Devine is hired to capture one of the posthumans by the company that introduced the drug in the first place, and finds himself part of a new world rising from the ashes of the old.
The God Drug is a thriller set in the very recognisable near future.
The God Drug moves forth at just the right pace, never feeling like it lingers in one place for too long, while giving the changing world the breath it needs to find life. It’s expressive and corporeal, and it will no doubt captivate readers who are looking for something that is plausible in its scope, but thrilling all the same. The only thing most people will complain about is how quickly they’ll race through it, as it is hard to put down. But with two other fantastic books released after this book took to shelves, there’s no better reason than now to see what the Posthumans have in store for us. Check out The God Drug and the rest of the Posthumans books on Mikael Svanstrom’s website.
Note: For the sake of transparency, I want readers to know that I was the editor for the third book in the series. I was enthralled by Mikael’s world, and knew right away that I was going to offer him a spot to promote his book, for all the reasons that you’ve read above. His trilogy gets my shining endorsement, so be sure to immerse yourself in it at your earliest opportunity!
The post Sci-Fi Promo – The God Drug (Book 1 of the Posthumans Trilogy) was originally posted on Please note, as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Images provided courtesy of Mikael Svanstrom.