Guest Post – The Enpirion Project, Reminder

Folks, welcome to yet another visit in the Otherworld.  Today, I wanted to one last time remind folks of the feature that we have been running for the past few weeks, where we’ve been looking at the work of L. Bossi, Aetrelys.  Not only has Bossi written a wonderful world, but they’ve also illustrated it, bringing it to life in ways that most people can only dream of.

In our recent promotion for the series, we praised the tremendous worldbuilding, with all its lore and mythology.  We also identified the titular character as one that readers would empathize with immediately, and they’ll want to follow his journey if for nothing else than to make sure he is okay.  Additionally, following him to the ends of Aetrelys is a fun experience indeed.

If you’re a fan of sweeping, epic fantasies, L. Bossi’s The Enpirion Project is a wonderful series for you to dive into.  To take a deeper dive, you can check out Tellest’s promo for the book here.  If you’re already excited for the book, you can purchase The Enpirion Project: Exordium (Book 1) on Amazon today!  And don’t forget, you can find out more about the project here.

Guest Post – The Enpirion Project, Reminder  was originally posted on  Please note, as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.