Science Fiction Promo – Proxima Bound

Greetings Otherworld travelers.  We’re at the halfway point of the week, and I’ve got an exciting story to share with you to take you through to the end.  If you’re into deep space adventures, you will love the craze happenings of Proxima Bound.  Read on to learn more. For readers who are looking for a shorter science fiction story that … Read More

Science Fiction Promo – The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm: The Robinsons

Greetings Otherworld travelers, and welcome to our final promo of the week.  It feels very much like we’ve been saving a whopper for the weekend, because we have a superhero fantasy with a lot of heart that is just waiting to captivate you.  Read on to learn more about The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm. Authors Terance L. Shipman and … Read More

Sci-Fi Promo: Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000

Greetings travelers and welcome to a very special trip into the Otherworld today.  It’s not often that we have what I would describe as a golden opportunity to talk about one of the classics of speculative fiction, but in this case, we’re afforded just that.  Whether you’re keenly aware of it, or have only heard the title in passing, no … Read More