Sci-Fi Promo – The Dawn of AI (PAPER WAR Book 1)

Greetings travelers!  I’d like to welcome you as we journey back to the Otherworld.  We’re returning to a world that we’ve been to before, and for good reason.  One of the authors we promoted in the past has brought even bigger and better attention to their book, and we’re looking forward to helping them spread the news.  It is a …

Sci-Fi Promo – The Dawn of AI (PAPER WAR Book 1)

Greetings travelers, and welcome to a new stop in the Otherworld.  We’re going to be talking today about a dystopian sci-fi that will stick with you for a while, as it looks at how the world could collapse with just one or two missteps in the way we treat technology.  If that sounds like it’s up your alley, read on …