Sci-Fi Promo – L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40

Folks, we here at Tellest relish every trip that we take into the Otherworld, especially when we’re happening upon the next great authors of the future.  So it is with great pride that we bring you not just another look at Writers of the Future, but a look at their 40th issue!  Releasing on May 7th this year, the latest …

Fantasy Promo – L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year

Greetings, travelers!  Here at Tellest, we endeavor to do two things more than any other: first, we want to entertain people through the lens of speculative fiction, whether that’s fantasy (our bread and butter), science fiction, or horror; second, we want to empower people to be creative, and to give them outlets which can strengthen their craft, and potentially reward …

Sci-Fi Promo – L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39

Greetings travelers, and welcome to another stop in the Otherworld.  Actually, today we’ve got quite a few stops, as we’re going to be looking at an incredible anthology.  You may recall that we covered the International Writers of the Future Contest last year.  This year, countless new creators who love fantasy and science fiction just as much as you do …