Urban Fantasy Promo – Omigus Rage

Greetings Otherworld travelers!  We’re closing out this week with another phenomenal urban fantasy, only in this case, it’s one that is ongoing.  We’ve promoted Kindle Vella series in the past, but they’re still a pretty rare commodity here on Tellest.  The story that we’ll be looking at today also takes place at the end of the world, so you know …

Fantasy Promo – Wolf in my Beard: Season 1

Howdy folks!  I always like to explore new mediums and platforms here on Tellest.  While we primarily look at Amazon Kindle, we’ve also seen work that has been exclusive to kobo, paperback exclusives, web comics and more.  You may be aware of some movements that Amazon is doing behind the curtain, but in case you haven’t, they’re working on allowing …