Sci-Fi Promo – The Boy with No Name (A Tale of People and Apples, Part 1)

Greetings travelers, and welcome to our first stop in the Otherworld of the week.  We’re going to be doing things a little differently today, as we’re saying goodbye to Amazon, and saying hello to WattPad.  For those who might not know, Wattpad is a great place to read your favorite stories in a regularly updated fashion.  Even Tellest has had stories on Wattpad once upon a time, so you are in good hands at that site.  Read on to learn more about a great story on the platform, The Boy with No Name.

Author M. H. Watson’s passion for their story is apparent.  They’ve written a highly regarded trilogy that spans about 24 hours of reading, and delivered it to their readership absolutely free.  The Boy with No Name is the first book in the A Tale of People and Apples series.  Reading it on Wattpad makes it a communal experience, as you can see how other readers have reacted to certain scenes and prose, and as new readers will soon discover, the general consensus is that Watson’s book is captivating and suspenseful.  Boy takes place in a dystopian future, and it is interesting to both discover how humanity arrived there, and what has come of it throughout the years.  But Watson ensures that learning about the stories characters is just as compelling.

Part 1 of a free to read, breath-taking trilogy!

Saved and given sanctuary within a wondrous walled city by a young woman named Eeva Alva and her people called the Orcas, the boy with no name must journey to discover his lost identity and memory to protect the people he unknowingly intended to destroy.

In The Boy with No Name, Watson shows their craftsmanship, effectively balancing a curious and mysterious world with a catching pace, never leaving readers without a fun thread or clue that keeps them on their toes.  Vivid imagery and entertaining dialog give way to stunning reveals and sequences, and introspective moments that shape the story.  This book will be a hit with readers who like a measured build toward an explosive crescendo.  With two absolutely free stories that are waiting for readers after they are finished with this introduction to Watson’s world, there has never been a better time to dive into their debut.  Check out The Boy with No Name (A Tale of People and Apples, Part 1) on Wattpad today!

The post Sci-Fi Promo – The Boy with No Name (A Tale of People and Apples, Part 1) was originally posted on  Please note, as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.


  • Mike DeAngelo

    Mike is the founder and current CEO & Editor-in-Chief of That's Entertainment. He's also the creator of Tellest—a world of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.

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