Write for That’s Entertainment

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
That's Entertainment is a fast-growing fan-focused entertainment site. We showcase fan-driven content and offer opportunities for those looking to get their start in writing. That's Entertainment contributors create their best content on the Internet for the things that they love. As independent contractors, contributors share their knowledge and passion for movies, TV, comics, games, and more. We're happy to announce that we're now able to compensate our contributors based on the performance of their articles!

Featured Openings

TV Contributor

Do you have thoughts about TV shows and want to share them? Our TV contributors write about TV news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

Film Contributor

Do you have thoughts about films and want to share them? Our Film contributors write about film news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

Game Contributor

Do you have thoughts about board/tabletop and video games and want to share them? Our Game contributors write about game news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

Book Contributor

Do you have thoughts about books and comics and want to share them? Our Book contributors write about book news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

Podcast/Music Contributor

Do you have thoughts about podcasts or music and want to share them? Our podcast and music contributors write about podcast and music news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

Food/Drink Contributor

Do you have thoughts about food and drinks and want to share them? Our food and drink contributors write about food and drink news, write reviews, and pitch opinion pieces.

The Process

Once you submit your proposal, we'll review it and make a decision. We'll let you know one way or another whether we've been able to bring you on as a paid contributor or not. While we'll give more details in our response to you, we want to be fully transparent: to start, we're only bringing on a limited number of paid contributors. Further, this position will likely not replace your full-time job. That said, it does provide some compensation for your content. When applicable, we can also try to provide review copies or samples of products to aid in your articles and reviews. Once again, more details will be provided once we have reviewed your proposal.


While we would love to write about specific fandoms, That's Entertainment does cover all entertainment. While we encourage you to contribute and create content on the things you love and are passionate about, we aren't able to offer any paid contributor positions to specific fandoms. What this means: if you come on board as a Film contributor, while you're more than encouraged to write about the MCU, we're also looking for coverage for all things related to film—especially if we're given the opportunity to screen a film early or write exclusive coverage of something outside specific fandoms. Why is this good? Those articles will also generate more views on our site and lead to better performance on ALL articles published through That's Entertainment. What if specific fandom contributor positions become available? We hope to grow to that point one day! If that's the case, then these positions will be offered to our paid contributors based on seniority.

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